Northpole Real Estate

Northpole Real Estate


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Northpole Real Estate  (Private) Limited  is registered under the Companies Act, Chapter 24:03) and was incorporated on the 8th of April 2019 and commenced  operations on 1st of September 2019.

It is registered with the Estate Agents Council  of Zimbabwe, registration  number  887, with the operating license  under Mrs Memory .K Jena, the managing Director/ Principal Registered  Agent of the company.
Services offered include *property  management, sales,valuations, auctioneering and general  property  consultancy*

* Its main strength  lies in personalised, direct and responsive  services to clients. " We walk the talk." Clients are listened to and respected in every aspect.*

Top Listings by Northpole Real Estate

These are the top 10 listings by Northpole Real Estate on Lookabode